Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams is on a healing path. Her greatest lessons have come from the vulnerable spaces of starting from scratch after trauma over…and again…and once more. Thus, reaching deeply inward to find the resilience and solace that always abides in each of us has become a necessity in her life. Six years ago, while on a quest to regain a sense of self, Rebecca started practicing yoga and was surprised to find clarity and stability in the deep and expansive spaces to which the routine movement of energy through the body led her.

After years of benefitting from the safe space the practice had offered her personally, becoming trained in Hatha Vinyasa Yoga under the guidance of Faith Hunter’s 200 Hour certification program, further afforded her the ability to create access to healing spaces for others also seeking a path to peace and balance.

In 2021, Rebecca founded Curating Peace Yoga & Wellness, a comprehensive wellness community in which she uses varying modalities, including movement, breathwork, meditation, and visualization just to name a few. It is both a pleasure, an honor and a deeply rooted calling for Rebecca to do this work that both heals herself and reverberates outward to help others do the same. It is with great joy that she walks forward in this purpose.