Olivia Montiel

Olivia Montiel

Olivia (E-500 RYT, CCT, LMT) offers a dynamic range of healing modalities. She is an experienced Yoga teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Cupping therapist. Olivia studied at the Kripalu School of Yoga under the guidance of Larissa Hall Carlson, Michelle Dalbec, Sudhir Jonathan Foust, Coby Kozslowski, and Shiva Rea. She also studied with Balarama Chandra Das; Dr. John Doulliard at Kripalu’s School of Ayurveda. Olivia received her first certification from Shiva Shanti Yoga School, training with Shivadasi a Jivamukti master teacher, and Ma Ba a Sanskrit scholar. Olivia encourages her Yoga students to arrive exactly as they are. Her classes are both empowering and intentional. Her blend of focused breath work and fluid movements result in nourishing sequences for practitioners of all levels. With a student-centered approach, Olivia creates a safe space for practitioners to explore their Yoga practice. One of her favorite ways to connect with her students and dive deeper into the practice of yoga is through leading Yoga retreats and workshops. She has led retreats in both France and the United States, and also guides workshops more regularly on a local scale.