Lauren Olivia

Lauren Olivia is a gifted intuitive channel and healer, receiving messages, information and downloads from the Gaia, Universal Energies and the Angelic realms. She has found her true calling in helping others to heal and shift their personal paradigm. Lauren is able to see and connect with energy, decoding energetic frequencies and realigning them, all while raising an individual’s frequency.  Retreats and assisting people with foundational changes are her passion.
Lauren’s calm, cool intellect and knowledge that she has gained from years as a Registered Nurse only enhances her natural abilities as an energy channel and healer. She has studied numerous facets of energy healing including Reiki, Chakra balancing, Past Life Review & Release, and upgrading energetic gridlines. Lauren is also trained in automatic writing, healing energy imbalances and Rejuvenation & Rainbow Treatments.