Kandy Duke

Kandy began her exploration with “energy medicine” 20 years ago when she
took a very skeptical look at a complementary healing modality called Healing Touch.
After receiving a “Healing Touch” session she felt like she had physically lost 10 pounds.

From that point on she started studying “what happened.” As a Ph.D. Horticulturist who
had been studying traditional science for a long time and being married to a pharmacist
she wanted proof that this work was “real” and would align with her spiritual beliefs.
Over the years she has studied several fitness and healing modalities including Healing
Touch, Touch for Health, Craniosacral Therapy and Eden Energy Medicine. She is a
certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, 500-hour Registered Yoga teacher and an
Energy Medicine Yoga foundations teacher.

From the moment Kandy started studying healing modalities, she saw God everywhere.
She has a passion for showing Christians they can use Energy Medicine and yoga to
bring healing into their life without abandoning their faith in Jesus. What has many
times been considered a health regime for the new age belief system can be practiced
with a Christ-centered perspective using scripture and prayer. Kandy asks Christians new
to this health approach to keep a teachable spirit as they are introduced to something
new that can help them honor God with their body remembering it is a temple for the
Holy Spirit to reside (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV).

Kandy divides her work and play time between Athens, Georgia and coastal Georgia. She
teaches weekly yoga and Yamuna Body Rolling classes as well as providing private
personal training, Health Coaching, Energy Medicine and Craniosacral Therapy sessions.