Jac O’Keeffe

Jac O’Keeffe is a deeply realized spiritual teacher, leader, and author. She has been teaching and holding workshops around the world, guiding people in the unfoldment of their own spiritual journey for more than 15 years.

Jac’s personal spiritual journey was motivated by a movement that she felt arise from a place deeper than mind. Jumping into the unknown, Jac was driven to uncover Truth for its own sake. Her path was intense both physically and mentally as she challenged her habitual patterns and conditioning.

Post Awakening, Jac discovered the evolution of consciousness does not end with waking up. While many non-dual teachers say that enlightenment is the end goal, Jac inspires her students to go beyond the concept of consciousness itself. Absolute freedom and liberation is available deeper than all concepts, deeper than all identity, and deeper than existence itself.

Jac is also the President and a founding member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity (ASI),  an organization with a mission to bring high levels of integrity to the culture of spiritual leadership.

Her books include Born to Be Free and How to Be a Spiritual Rebel.

For more information about Jac visit jac-okeeffe.com or watch her youtube channel www.youtube.com/@jacokeeffe.