Denise Foster

Denise Foster was born with many gifts of spirit and has been a Healer for over 24 years. Currently, her office is located in Buckhead, offering services such as Chakra Balancing, Reiki Classes, EFT, Past Life Regressions and Crystal Light Therapy. She has spent a month in India on a spiritual quest. Her studies have taken her to spend months in Sedona Az learning various Healing techniques. During her 7 year 3 times a week studies, at a Spiritualist Church in Tucson, led her to become a teacher of metaphysical studies, Healer, psychic, Past Life Regression Therapist, Tai Chi Chih Instructor as well as an Ordained Interfaith Minister. After moving to Atlanta, she went on to become a Sound Therapist. Denise performs in local salt caves, art galleries and yoga studios, spreading her healing energy out as she performs. She provides spiritual counseling, helping others to find their lives purpose and open up their own Holistic Business’s. While in Tucson, she led many retreats, helping others to find their own spiritual gifts to help others. She has studied and taken many retreats with Holy Avatars such as Amma Chi the Hugging Saint and Shri Kuranamayi. What makes Denise the happiest, is seeing her clients heal and move forward in their lives.