Asha W., MAOM, LAc

Since childhood I have been drawn to the spiritual and interested in that which cannot be seen, felt or heard with our normal senses. I am grateful for the subtle awareness and sensitivities that I have cultivated throughout the past 16 years as an acupuncturist. The past 5 years, I have immersed myself in the practice and study of Esoteric Acupuncture, the basis of The Meridian Codes. There is power in using these patterns every day on my clients while I sit in the other side of the room and meditate with them.

I am teaching The Meridian Codes because of how important this work is, and how vital it is that more practitioners have access to it, especially now.  Dr. Mikio Sankey, the founder of this work, retired from teaching in 2019, and has given me his blessing to teach his work.  I am choosing to do it in the form of a holistic retreat because there is an afterglow that is created after spending the day together. What a gift it is to be able to relax, share nourishing food and connect more deeply afterwards with the ease of all of us being together in one place surrounded by nature. These immersive long weekends nourish us as practitioners, and re-inspire, re-awaken and rejuvenate us.  I organize these retreats with great care, humility and a lot of heart, and look forward to welcoming new people into this work.

Upcoming Programs by Asha W., MAOM, LAc

The Meridian Codes II

Also With Gail H.

July 18 - 21, 2024

The Meridian Codes II is a holistic retreat for all healing practitioners, including acupuncturists, massage therapists, nurses and energy workers who have previously taken an Esoteric Acupuncture Foundations class, and are excited to get together again to learn more. With a smaller class size, more time is spent on each Pattern to promote a deeper […]